Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week 7

As I begin to read through Week 7, I'm immediately struck with a realization. "Art is not about thinking something up. It is about the opposite - getting something down" I've often marveled at the people who can step outside them selves and create from a higher source. It's something I've always was beyond me. Maybe, just maybe, I can experience this also. Yes, I think I can.

Is JC talking directly to me when she writes about pefectionsim? "There are no first drafts, rough sketches, warm up exercises. Every draft is meant to be final, perfect, set in stone"

If I didn't have to do it perfectly, I would try:

- Make that first stroke of oil on canvas.
- Learning to play guitar
- Learning a foreign language
- Dabbling around Photoshop tutorials
- Writing a memoir about my Great Uncle
- Revisiting and revamping my website

My Jealously Map:

I'm jealous of people who have a significant other.
- Find happiness in the independence of being single.

I'm jealous of people who can splurge and shop without worrying about being able to pay the bills.
- Change my view of money and the value, or lack of, of material possessions. Be thankful that I can pay my bills on time.

I'm jealous of people who are comfortable with confrontation.
- Take a class in communication skills.

I'm jealous of people who are fit and healthy.
- Maintain an effort to change my lifestyle and exercise even when I don't feel like it.

I'm jealous of people who can play a musical instrument.
- Take my boss up on his offer to give me free guitar lessons. Buy a guitar.

I'm jealous of who can draw and paint with no reference photo.
- Turn up at the page and just draw something.

I'm jealous of people who are can write poetry.
- Read more poetry.

I'm jealous of people who can get up in front of people at an open-mic.
- Write a poem and read it a small, intimate open mic night. Add it to my list of 101 things.

I'm jealous of people who aren't fussy eaters.
- Try a new food each week.

I'm jealous of people who can express their feelings without the fear of rejection.
- Write in my blog more often and get comfortable expressing my feelings. It's okay to feel what you feel.

I'm jealous of people who keep artistic sketchbooks
- Start one. Maintain one.

Archeology - An Exercise

As a kid, I missed the chance to go to a more academic school.
As a kid, I lacked true friends.
As a kid, I could have used true friends.
As a kid, I dreamed of being a librarian.
As a kid, I wanted a horse.
In my house, we never had enough family time together.
As a kid, I needed more courage.
I am sorry that I will never again see my dog, Heidi.
For years, I missed and wondered about Renee Hutt
I beat myself up about the loss of my marriage.

I have a loyal friend in Suzy.
One thing I like about my town are the squirrels.
I think I have nice eyes
Writing my morning pages has shown me that I feel good when I've accomplished something I struggle with.
I am taking a greater interest in music.
I believe I am getting better at being organized
My artist has started paying more attention to painting, crafts and guitars
My self care is still erratic
I feel more hopeful
Possibly, my creativity is blossoming


Frankie said...

Absolutely wonderful answers! I see a lot of myself here (as I'm sure a lot of people do). Thanks so much for sharing this!

Disenchanted Melody said...

Thank you Lily Rose and Frankie. I'm always nervous posting these lists and exercises but it is great to come back later and re-read them and see the recurring themes.