Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Artist's Way


My name is Karen and I am a serial procrastinator who desires to be so much more. Some might even call me lazy when it comes to looking out for myself. Several years ago I was introdced to Julia Cameon's The Artist Way and it changed the course of my life for the better. I was able to build the courage to leave a bad marriage and start things anew. I gave up the security of a high paying job to follow my childhood dream of being a librarian and I overcome my struggle with self confidence (temporarily at least)

Fast forward a few years and I am now happily married with two beautiful children and a group of mothers who have become like sisters, even though we have never actually met one another in person. One of these mothers, Annie, is one of the most beautiful writers and souls I have had the firtune to meet. We have shared the same struggles and I feel this tremendous connection to her. She has found herself in a slump with her writing. You see, she believes she can only write about suffering. Yet she has been blessed with this amazing little girl who is about to 7 months old and is happier than she has ever been. Yes, she still struggles but she is happy.

Immediatly The Artist's Way came to mind and I sent her a copy of the book and I eagerly agreed to join her in the 12 week course. That was the easy part. I admit I'm a little scared to open those doors again, even though I know only good things will come from it. Having to commit to finding time for myself when I make every excuse not to. Having to be open with my feelings when I try to hide them from the world. Having to commit to walking when my body has become too tired to do much more than it already does. Having to turn up at a blank page and create something from nothing. Having to commit to three pages of long hand writing when I'm afraid of what is going to flow through my pen. I already know where this is going to lead.. It's going to force me to make healthier choices in my life. Catapualt me from my routine and stuck-ness into a rich flow of creative juice.

But then I find myself thinking that those are all great sacifices to make if my two boys have a mom who is healthier both in body and soul. It's all worth it to see my great friend find that she can write sunshine and vibrance. This woman is raw talent at it's best and I can't wait to see what things she can do.

So look forward to more from me over the coming weeks. Share in  our journey.

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